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Chemistry All Quiz

Multiple Choice Questions on The Collision Theory Of Chemical Reactions

Check your understanding on Chemical Kinetics by attempting the quiz on the subtopic 'Collision Theory of Chemical Reactions.'

Questions 10
Attempts allowed 3
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Grade required to pass 75 %
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Identify the number of Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary Carbon and Nitrogen

Identify the number of Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary Carbon and Nitrogen

Questions 5
Attempts allowed 3
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Grade required to pass 75 %
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Identify Between an Alkyl and Aryl Halide

Identify from the images, which of the following is an alkyl or an aryl halide?

Questions 7
Attempts allowed 3
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Identify possible dihalogen derivatives- Free Radical Halogenation of alkanes

Identify possible dihalogen derivatives- Free Radical Halogenation of alkanes

Questions 3
Attempts allowed 3
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Grade required to pass 75 %
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Practice Problems on Halogenation of Alkanes- Monohalogenation

Practice Problems on Halogenation of Alkanes- Monohalogenation

Questions 5
Attempts allowed 3
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Grade required to pass 75 %
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Predict the major product of halogenation reaction on the alkane

Predict the major product of halogenation reaction on the alkane

Questions 2
Attempts allowed 3
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Grade required to pass 75 %
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Calculate the Double Bond Equivalent using Molecular Formula

The formula to be used for calculating the double bond equivalence or the degree of unsaturation is- 

(2C + 2 + N - H - X)/2


C- number of Carbon atoms

N- number of Nitrogen atoms

H- number of Hydrogen atoms

X- number of Halogen atoms

Questions 5
Attempts allowed 3
Available Always
Grade required to pass 75 %
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Identify the Number of Double Bond Equivalence (DBE) from the Structures

Identify the Number of Double Bond Equivalence (DBE) from the Structures

Questions 5
Attempts allowed 3
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Grade required to pass 75 %
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Multiple Choice Questions/Quiz on the Nature of Carbon-Halogen bond

Check your understanding of the subtopic 'Physical Properties' from the chapter Haloalkanes and Haloarenes by attempting the quiz.

Questions 11
Attempts allowed 3
Available Always
Grade required to pass 75 %
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